Call me cynical, but it doesn't actually say that babies, or the mentally ill will be spared. Just that we shouldn't trouble our little heads with the idea of babies being murdered, because Jehovah is a righteous God. It's a great example of the cognitive dissonance most JW's display when pressed on the issue of Jehovah killing babies.
Resistance is Futile
JoinedPosts by Resistance is Futile
Mentally Diseased Apostates to Survive Armageddon! - The WT says so!!!
by 00DAD inas i'm sure we all know by now, the july 15, 2011 watchtower branded "apostates" as "mentally diseased" (p. 16, para.
but never fear, because--also according to the wtbts--jehovah will take that into account at armageddon.
the wt says so, so it must be true!
My JW Brother-in-Law's Crisis of Conscience
by arko_n9ne inme and my brother in law share a computer at home.
we have different accounts and for the life of me, i still don't know his password.. but it hasn't stopped me from putting "apostate" literature on his desktop screen.
i am an amateur it geek who knows the ins and outs of computers, so i don't look twice at things like passwords.. anyway, a few months ago, i slipped three files onto his desktop.
Resistance is Futile
I wish my JW relatives would read Crisis of Conscience. Good job arko. Maybe someday he'll escape the Watchtower Cult.
I believe God
by N.drew insomeone said atheists are a minority.
i think that is incorrect.
salvation belongs to yhwh.
Resistance is Futile
I apologize if I'm misunderstanding you N.drew, but are you saying that you believe that a majority (over 50%) of the worlds population are atheists?
I believe God
by N.drew insomeone said atheists are a minority.
i think that is incorrect.
salvation belongs to yhwh.
Resistance is Futile
Someone said atheists are a minority. I think that is incorrect.
I don't understand. Are you talking about a minority on this forum? Or a minority in the Nation or World?
Evolution disproved by 11 year old niece
by StopTheTears inmary: what's evolution?.
me: well it's kinda complicated.
they think plasma gave birth to monkeys which gave birth to humans.
Resistance is Futile
Cool story.
You have no business "teaching" someone about a subject that you clearly don't understand.
Has anyone here done a long distance hike?
by moshe ini am hoping i can do one in a year or two- any tips would be appreciated.
Resistance is Futile
1. Get in excellent cardiovascular shape.
2. Carry lightweight gear.
Over the years I've slowly replaced my heavy backpacking gear piece by piece with lightweight gear and it makes a huge difference. Try for some great info. They have a busy forum with very helpful members. They also have a "gear swap" forum where you can find incredible deals on backpacking gear.
Israelities so easily influenced by foreign Gods, Why.
by jam ingod delivered the israelities to the promise land.. he shield them from egypt army, fed them in the.
wilderness, open the sea and aided them in.
defeating their enemies.. joshua:24;16 "far be it from us that we should.
Israelities so easily influenced by foreign Gods, Why.
by jam ingod delivered the israelities to the promise land.. he shield them from egypt army, fed them in the.
wilderness, open the sea and aided them in.
defeating their enemies.. joshua:24;16 "far be it from us that we should.
Resistance is Futile
Great posts Mebaqquer2. I find this kind of early Israelite/Caananite history to be fascinating. Thanks for the book references.
Difficulties understanding passage.
by s-c-3-1-3 ini am reading colossians 1:15-18, and understand it to mean that jehovah created jesus who then created all other things in the world, thus jesus crall things except for god who created him.
is this correct?
thanks in advance!.
Resistance is Futile
On what basis does the Watchtower insert "other"? What does the original scriptures say?
looky what they make the latest watchtower (public) say
by therevealer inthrough the new covenant, jehovah makes blessings.
available to many by means of a few.
the covenant are few, a mere 144,000. through.
Resistance is Futile
Who needs Jesus?
In the Governing Body's name we pray, Amen.